SMNG has high skills, an experienced staff of geophysicists-interpreters and geologists and comprehensive scope of the services. We provide the petroleum industry with expertise both in domestic and international markets. Technical capabilities of our interpretation department encompass integrated regional studies of the sedimentary basins, identify and proposing of prospects for exploration drilling with the giving of the recommendations on the optimum well location, petrophysical analysis, reservoir study and geological modeling.
Extensive knowledge supported by state-of-the-art technology gives our clients the guarantee to get the most detailed information to settle the objectives at petroleum and gas deposits exploration, thus reducing exploration and development risk.
The main directions of the investigations:
Structural interpretation
- Detailed correlation of seismic horizons, delineation and tracing of tectonic dislocations, well to seismic tie, generation of time maps, creation of velocity model and structural imaging based on the model; generation and analysis of thickness maps;
- Seismo-stratigraphic analysis;
- Paleotectonic analysis to restore depositional conditions;
- Prediction of the zones of reservoir development;
- Geologic modeling.
Dynamic interpretation
- Dynamic analysis, which, in its turn, includes:
- AVO analysis,
- Seismic inversion and seismic attributes analysis;
- Seismo-facial analysis;
- Determination of reservoir limits, gross pay and net pay thickness, porosity and permeability;
- Correlation relationships geostatistical analysis of seismic and volumetric parameters;
- Creation of geologic model of the field.
For processing and interpretation of seismic data SMNG has a common processing and interpretation network.
Seismic data interpretation department has an extensive network of modern HP and DELL workstations equipped with large-format monitors; the computing capacities are designed on the principle of capability.
Interpretation is performed using state-of- the-art software products. Halliburton DecisionSpace Geosciences (DSG) is the main interpretation software. The software package includes the following main modules:
- OpenWorks - management of the integrated data in the Oracle;
- GeoDataLoading - loading of geological information;
- Geology Interpretation Component - interwell correlation; generation of the frame of 3D geological model, map generation;
- Seismic Interpretation Component - 2D/3D data interpretation;
- Seismic Analysis Component - time-to-depth conversion, 1D modelling;
- Seismic Attribute Component – calculation of seismic attributes, spectral decomposition;
- Velocity Modeling Component - generation, analysis and calibration of velocity model from 2D/3D data.
DecisionSpace Geosciences is a unified visualization, interpretation, and modeling workspace. It delivers a true multi-user environment with integration across multidomain workflows and data types (geologic, geophysical, well data, interpretation, map generation, visualization, generation of velocity and geological models of environment).
IHS Kingdom software is also utilized for 2D/3D data interpretation and map generation.
Mapping and visualization of 2D and 3D seismic data is performed in Petrosys PRO software package.
In addition to the basic package, Jason (CGG group) software is used for the seismic modelling and inversion of 2D/3D seismic data.
Interpretation department is fully equipped with personal computers including devices for large-format printing allowing to deliver all report and graphic materials to the Client in proper quality and on a tight schedule.
Except for the Arctic seas of Russia, the SMNG experience extends to the regions of the Caspian, Azov and Black Seas, as well as the Far Eastern seas of Russia. The SMNG specialists successfully carried out work on the interpretation of 2D / 3D seismic data on the shelf of Vietnam, India, Venezuela and the Mediterranean Sea.